Sunday, January 26, 2014

January Update

Another few weeks gone by - and we're almost to the end of January already.  The highlight (for me, at least) in the last couple weeks was going to the WAPICI Winter Pow-Wow at PCC. At first Nora was disturbed by the loud volume of the drumming, but after a few minutes she got used to it and then enjoyed watching all the costumes and dancing. Henry, too, loved getting a chance to see all the regalia up close and get a real feel for what a pow-wow is all about.  Last night we went to the grand re-opening of the Portland Ballet Company where we got to see some beautiful performances. Unfortunately there was a bit of a wait prior to the performances starting and then a some long speeches and Nora wasn't patient enough to sit quietly through them so she missed most of the dancing, but the parts she did see she was absolutely enthralled. There were boys in most of the dances and pictures throughout the studios of boy dancers which we made sure to point out to Henry. I hope he'll express interest again in taking some more dance classes.

We've been taking advantage of the sunny weather and our fabulously large backyard by playing lots and lots of soccer outside. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa we've got an awesome new soccer goal to practice with. We were debating signing up Henry for t-ball this year, but I think we'll forgo that in favor of soccer. He's definitely enjoying it so far! We've also been going to the park a lot and Nora is proving to be quite fearless. She climbed to the top of a very tall slide (the stand alone type - probably 10 feet tall) and slid down all by herself...three times in a row. I was stunned. She's only 15 months old! She's also enjoying her present from Grandma and Grandpa - this "bike."
She's so proud of herself riding it around - I'm sure she feels just like her big brother. She hasn't quite figured out how to sit, push and glide yet; she more or less just stands and walks with it, but I know by summer time she'll be scooting around on it so quickly!
 A couple more pictures to round out this post - Gigi making Nora laugh and laugh and laugh...and the two kiddos playing outside.

Oh, and one more video! You just have to watch it - no explanation other than to say Nora has an ongoing fascination with belly buttons...

Monday, January 13, 2014

15 Months Old

15 months and three days, to be precise. She's running (which is hilarious to watch, except when, as today, she was running downhill on the sidewalk trying to keep up with Henry - that was just scary as I kept thinking she was going to fall flat on her face at any moment), she's climbing on everything, she's gotten all four first molars and one of her canine teeth is in (I'm sure the others will be following shortly), she's saying more words every day and has even said her first sentence! Last week at the mall she said "Gigi, where are you?" and now she says "where are you?" all the time - when she's looking for Wilbur, looking for Henry at school, even looking for particular objects around the house. I was looking for her shoe the other day and said "we need to find your shoe" and she said "where are you?"  She can follow two part directions (e.g. get that book, take it to Henry), she uses a fork extremely well and is fairly competent with a spoon. She has just recently gotten very interested in books - she loves, loves, loves to have books read to her but also likes to go in Henry's room and pull books off his shelf and look through them by herself.

She's very mischievous and gets herself into lots of "trouble" (as evidenced by the Cheerios picture above). We have to keep most doors in the house closed as she loves to get into pretty much anything she's not supposed to - her favorites are the dog's food and water and the toilet (yuck). She can do the hand motions for "I'm a little teapot," "head, shoulders, knees and toes," "Patty-cake" and "Itsy-bitsy spider."  She still loves her dolls and stuffed animals. But most of all what she really loves the best is being with her big brother.

I promised Mom I would try and list all the words she is saying so here goes: hi, bye, Mama, Daddy, dog, woof, bird, tweet, shoe, boot, tree, hat, drink, no, meow, see, this, ball, doll, belly, please, where are you, ... oh boy, I know I am missing some - I'll try to add to the list as I remember them.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Break Play Time

Before Winter Break began I was worried that we would be bored, bored, bored and driving each other crazy...but that turned out to be completely wrong (well, maybe not the crazy part...) - we were busy, busy, busy doing all kinds of fun, cold/rainy weather activities.  We went to Pump-It-Up (picture above) twice, including once on Christmas Eve day. I'm proud to say the idea to go on Christmas Eve day might be the best idea I've ever had and will surely turn into an annual tradition. Going there is like a high-intensity workout and leaves the kids exhausted. A perfect solution for the pre-Christmas excitement that tends to keep munchkins awake later than they should be.

We also went to the Play Boutique and had a pretty good time (pictures above). Nora had an awesome time - she is just the right age/ability level to really enjoy it. Henry had an okay time - he's getting a bit too old/big to really enjoy it as much as he used to, but he still had a good time on the play structure and bouncy house.
 Last Friday we went to the Children's Museum. It was Nora's first time there and I'm thinking we might have to renew our membership again (after letting it lapse for the last year). She absolutely loved it - she walked around that place like she knew exactly where she was going and, since she has no fear, was perfectly content to just explore on her own. Above they are are playing on a spaceship on the left and Nora is getting ready to slide down the slide all by herself after climbing up all by herself of course. The girl is a beast, I tell ya.

One of Henry's favorite parts is the dig pit. I don't really understand the draw, but he loves it. Look how long his legs look in this picture! He is getting so big, it's pretty crazy.
And, finally, Nora does some shopping while Henry was busy serving up food in the dinner. Look how she's standing on her tip toes on top of a box to get taller. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas 2013

Yikes! I knew it had been awhile since I last posted, but I didn't realize just how long...did I just figure out my New Year's resolution?
We had a great Christmas...despite Nora's screaming fear of Santa. She actually was fine until she actually was placed on his lap and then fine again two seconds after getting off his lap. Henry was so excited to see Santa - he wrote a letter to him (see picture below of him giving Santa his letter) and also preemptively wrote a thank you note to be mailed after Christmas. He asked for (and received): a Superman belt, a Batman belt, a Ninja costume, a Superman playset and a Crayola airbrush kit. Santa brought Nora a rocking horse that she LOVES! and brought a tent/tunnel for both of them to share.
Christmas Eve we spent with Brett's parents and had a lovely dinner and fun exchanging gifts. I, unfortunately, did not bring my camera with me (I was pretty terrible overall taking pictures this holiday season). Christmas morning once the kids were awake we did Santa gifts and stockings before Gigi, Bumpa and Uncle Geoff came over to exchange gifts. Once again we were all spoiled!
Henry checking out his Santa loot.

 At first the only thing Nora really cared much about was getting her hands on candy but then Henry showed her how to ride her rocking horse and she has been riding it ever since! Here's a picture of Henry with what turned out to be one of his most favorite gifts - a bow and arrow set (suction cup tips, of course). Yesterday his friend told him that his sister has a REAL bow and arrow guess what he wants for his birthday?
Henry was a very sweet helper to Nora - helping her unwrap her gifts which he loves doing.  We had breakfast, opened more presents, Nora had a nap, we played for awhile and then headed over to Gigi's house for dinner with more of the extended family. 
And, of course, more gifts! Including this playset for Nora that BOTH the kids plays the same songs over and over and over. Lovely. ;)
 Showing off their respective celebratory headgear.