Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weekly Update - 109 weeks?

While I'm not 100% certain that Henry is 109 weeks old this week, he did just turn 25 months old. The month of April has just flown by - I can hardly believe that it's already been a month since he turned 2. We had a pretty typical week this week. Because of the unpredictable rain showers, we spent more times indoors than out - two storytimes at the library instead of the usual one. The biggest development recently is just in how much he is talking. He's putting together little mini-sentences that are so cute. A lot of them are commands like "Sit down here, Mom." He also asks and answers questions...sometimes it's because he wants me to answer in a particular way, such as "You candy? Yeah." Other times it's because he knows I am going to answer in a particular way, such as "You nurse? Noooo." He draws out the "no" just like I do - it's hilarious. I guess I should mention that he refers to himself as "you." I am trying to get him to understand that when he's talking about himself he should say "me" or "I" but so far he doesn't get it. He even answers "you" when I ask him what his name is. We ordered him an awesome new bike helmet which arrived a couple days ago - it's a Giro infant helmet with flying pigs on it. I'll have to take a picture and post it.... Henry is super in love with it and wears it around the house - most often with the baseball mitt that Brett got him, a real, leather, left-handed mitt (or would it be a right-handed mitt? Anyway, a mitt for a leftie). Geoff had gotten him a velcro mitt and ball set for his birthday that Henry loves, but unfortunately it was for the wrong hand and Henry was constantly wearing it backwards so Brett got him the real thing.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Weekly Update

Riding the motorcycle at Fred Meyer's.

Swimming at the Southwest Community Center with Daddy.

Laurelhurst Park

Another busy week! Spring has sprung and we are continuing to take advantage of the nice weather and relative healthiness. We spent a fun morning and early afternoon at Laurelhurst Park walking around, looking at the ducks, dogs, and playing on the playground. Save for one particularly nasty mother there with her poor child and the police drama that ensued, it was a lovely day!
Saturday we took Henry to the SW Community Center for family swim. He was a little bit unsure of the pool (it's been since last summer since he's been in a pool), but was fine and really started to enjoy it. Unfortunately he got a bit cold after only about a half and hour so we left, but it's definitely something we're going to try and do on a more regular basis. The children's pool is pretty awesome - it starts out at about 6 inches deep and stays very shallow for a large expanse. There are lots of splashy things and a big slide that Brett enjoyed. :)They also have lap swim at the same time so Brett and I were thinking one of us could swim laps while the other plays with Henry.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekly Update

Busy week this week! We took full advantage of the sunny weather and spent a lot of time outside. Henry got to visit the zoo twice in one week - once with me during the week and then with Bumpa on Saturday. Henry has really grown attached to our neighbor's children - especially the 5 year old boy, Tyler. Anytime we go outside he stands facing their house and yells "Tyler! Tyler!" If their car drives by the house, same thing - yelling at the window for his buddy. It is so cute! Of course, being 5 years old, Tyler doesn't really want to actually play with Henry too much, but he does come and hang out in our backyard and play with the bubble machine. In Henry's mind, I think that's just as good as actually playing with him. Tyler also rides a bike, scooter and has a motorized jeep. That pretty much makes him Henry's idol. In health-related news (why does it seem like there is always health-related news??), the thrush is back. After a lengthy telephone call with the doctor's office this morning I think we figured out why it's back. The medicine we were giving him is meant to be applied directly to the areas of outbreak rather than just trying to get it into his system as I was doing. I had been shooting it down his throat like I did for the antibiotics when it actually needs to have contact with the thrush to kill it. This explains why it seemed like it went away since some obviously did get on the main area of outbreak (his tongue) but then why it came back. Poor little guy. So we try again...
This picture is actually from a week or two ago, but it's so cute I wanted to post it anyway. Henry trying out his new potty (with diaper still on...but that's another story). He has to have his magazine in hand...hmm...wonder who he saw doing that?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekly Update

Late again - or early, I suppose. Henry got sick again early last week - low fever and a little vomitting. So back to the doctor we went...found out it is perfectly normal because the virus he had actually lasts 6-8 weeks and this is just another part of the virus. Yuck. He was back to feeling 100% after just a couple days, which was great. Over the weekend we went to see Cirque du Soliel with my family. At first Henry was pretty scared - loud noises, flashing lights, etc. - so Brett took him to the back of the auditorium and then he started to enjoy it. I think his favorite two acts were the one with the two men running inside and on top of two giant wheels and the hula hooper. The show was amazing- one of the best I've seen yet.

Here are some of Henry's pictures from his 2 year photo shoot.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekly Update...for last week!

Finding the eggs in the backyard with Daddy.
Checking out the Easter basket with Daddy....he focused immediately on the bubbles. :)

Saturday's Easter Egg Hunt with Grandma and Grandpa Sutter. Despite the rain, Henry had an amazing time!

Mama and Henry with the Easter Bunny on Saturday.
The one picture of Henry with his bunny ears on.

The upside to being so late in posting, is that I can just conflate the weekly update with the Easter update. :)
We had a fun Easter - on Saturday we joined Grandpa and Grandma Sutter at the Lake Oswego Country Club for a fun Easter egg hunt. They really had a great set-up for the kids; they had a ton of activities for the kids to do like decorating cupcakes, making a paper Easter egg, and a balloon animal man. Then the Easter bunny came and everyone went outside to find eggs. Surprisingly, Henry really enjoyed the Easter bunny (surprising because of his anti-Santa stance) and LOVED gathering Easter eggs. It was great practice for hunting them the next morning! On Sunday, Henry woke up to find his Easter basket which included bubbles (of course), basketball cards, sidewalk chalk, and a ball and racket game (sort of like mini-lacrosse) among other things. Then we headed outside where the bunny had hidden a dozen eggs (see video - I caught the end of the hunt on video). Afterwards we went to Jake's Grill for breakfast with the Winders and Bakers. Of course there were more Easter baskets and gifts for Henry there - including some super cute bunny ears which unfortunately Henry refused to wear for more than 2 seconds. Following his birthday the week prior, he just might start expecting gifts and get-togethers every weekend!