Wednesday, August 28, 2013

46 Weeks Old

I just realized that in only 8 weeks Nora will be one year old! I'm having a hard time believing that! Luckily the next 8 weeks will be busy as Henry starts kindergarten so hopefully it will seem like longer. I don't think I'm ready for her to be a year old yet.
This week she's continued to improve her mobility...mainly in discovering that she can move out an open door and outside...which is problematic when we want to have the front door open! She is also a climber and explorer. She loves to open drawers and cupboards and to try and pull herself up onto just about anything. She takes after Henry with her amazing sense of humor (yes! at 10 months old she definitely has a sense of humor!). Her latest trick is to hang a wet wipe (or piece of paper or tissues, etc.) out of her mouth and shake her head around. She can do this over and over and over and crack herself up every time. The first video is one of her doing her crinkled nose and "snorting." She also finds it immensely funny to do and, strangely, also must think that it's very charming because she does it when she wants something from someone. I have to apologize for the quality of the second video - terrible camera work on my part. But I decided to still post it because it shows off her exploratory skills as she gets into a cupboard, her speed crawling (albeit only a short bit) as she tries to get away from me and, best of all, she signs "light." I also tried to get her to sign bird but she wasn't having it. Probably because there wasn't an actual bird in the house!
This week we took a trip to the zoo, the river, and went mini-golfing again. I hope to squeeze in a bunch more activities next week before school starts. Finally, a picture of Henry at the zoo that he himself posed for and insisted I take. :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

45 Weeks Old

Both kiddos are better and, as a bonus, Brett figured out a way to fix my seemingly irreparable computer. Hooray!
In the two weeks since my last blog post Nora has started doing so many new things. For me, the most exciting changes are the ones that facilitate communication. On that front she has started saying the word "woof!" to mean dog. It's awesome! She just loves dogs (all animals actually) and to hear her be able to say the word in conjunction with seeing a dog is so cool. She also has started signing! Yippee! It's kind of amazing to me because I don't sign with her nearly as much as I signed with Henry and she's already signing. What's really interesting about it is that both her and Henry signed the same word first: "light." She's also done the signs for "fan" and "duck."  Knowing that she can sign has made me more determined to review all the signs I learned with Henry and be more deligent in signing with her. I remember a lot of signs, but I could be a lot better about doing them with there are lots I have forgotten and need to relearn. (Surprisingly she hasn't signed "more" or "eat" yet!)
Apart from the communication developments, she is continuing to get stronger (and braver) with trying to walk. She uses the couch, tables, walls, etc., to walk around and will even occasionally take a tiny step from one piece of furniture to another (e.g. couch to ottoman). She's lightening fast with the crawling as you will see in the video. It's short and the best part is at the beginning when you get to see her signature pivot move. she loves, loves, loves to be "chased" and especially when the person chasing her is Henry. She's also up to 8 teeth now, with a swollen spot on her gum that I am pretty sure is tooth number 9 getting ready to come through.
The picture above was taken today at the park.
We've been only moderately busy the last couple weeks. Henry finished up his woodshop class and I'm proud to say only made one gun this time...and it wasn't even for him but rather a collaborative project he and his friend made together that his friend kept. He also made a boat for himself and he and his friend also made an airplane together. We've been going swimming pretty regularly with a preschool friend and heading to the river whenever it gets really hot. We attended the Multnomah Days parade last weekend. Last year Henry was in the parade and so it was fun for him to have the experience of watching instead. Plus his preschool was in the parade again this year so he got to see his former teacher and some classmates he knew. We also attended one of the Little League World Series games at Alpenrose. (Picture of Nora below...she was so serious while watching intently.
And, of course, lots of trips to Gigi's house and the park!
And, finally, I just love this picture of Henry (taken today)...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Delayed Post

Two sick kiddos (101+ degree fevers) + one crashed computer = no blog post today.
Stay tuned...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

43 Weeks Old

 Another week has zipped by. I feel like the summer is just flying by and we haven't done many of the things I had hoped to do...but then when reflecting back on the week gone by and looking at the pictures, I realize that we actually have been pretty busy and have been doing a lot. This past Friday Henry, Nora, Mom, and I headed over to the coast and spent the night in Rockaway. The weather was cool (of course) to start with, but then got nice and warm...Henry didn't let the cool weather dissuade him and he still went "swimming" in the ocean twice.

He also made this amazing castle masterpiece (with a little help...).  Below is what Nora did while we built the castle...
Can you spot her? She's napping underneath the blanket; covered completely save for a little ventilation.

When we returned to Portland the hot weather had returned and so we've been spending a lot of time outdoors...especially enjoying our lovely new mister. SO much nicer than a regular sprinkler.
Today we went to Oaks Park (first time this summer) and rode the rides and then played a round of mini-golf which Henry has been so excited to do. We'll definitely go back and do it again. I also want to take him to another mini-golf course (maybe Bullwinkles?) because the Oaks Park one is only okay but nothing special.
This week for Nora the theme has continued to be movement! She's hustling around the whole house just as fast as she can go (and believe me when I say the girl can hustle!). She's getting into everything - her most recent "discovery" being Wilbur's water bowl. Poor guy, I have to put it up on the counter whenever she's loose in the kitchen. He puts up with so much! She's loving pulling herself up on anything she can and is trying to take a few little steps if someone holds her hands. Probably the biggest new development is that she can climb the stairs. She all of a sudden climbed up three without any difficulty.
Of course she was so darn proud of herself, but I feel bad because with the marble floor at the bottom there's no way I can let her keep climbing them. Even a fall from only one step could result in a serious head bump if she landed on the marble wrong. Maybe I could put a mat or rug down at the bottom? Oh! I nearly forgot...she's gotten two more teeth! I noticed last week that the two on the bottom next to the two that are already in have popped through. This explains the runny nose and fussiness of the week prior. She is so predictable! Runny nose + fussy one week = new teeth the next week. Her hair is getting lighter still but I can't say for sure it's not just from being in the summer sun as Henry's also has lightened over the summer. Time will tell. And finally, there's words, just this: