Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beach Trip

Gigi, Henry, and I went to Gearhart, Oregon, for a couple nights. Although the weather could have been better, we still managed to make it onto the beach for a little while and get some cute pictures of Henry. The rest of the time we tried to find a balance between relaxing and keeping Henry busy and thus out of trouble. Not an easy task!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

73 Weeks Old!

A little early this week since Henry and I are heading out of town for a couple days. We had a last minute opportunity to go to the beach that we jumped on since our trip to Bend was canceled due to a death in the extended family.

Lots of new signs this week and he's definitely trying to say more words. He says "woof" and is trying to say "on" and/or "off" - they both sound the same so it's kind of hard to tell. I put on 'The Wiggles' for him to watch this morning for the first time and it was hilarious to watch him watching it. He danced and waved at the characters when they waved at the audience. The only problem with that program (and it's one I find with most kid's programming) is that it jumps around from scene to scene way too fast. Henry loses interest because I don't think he can keep up with the rapid scene changes. Not that I am lamenting his lack of interest in television, as I don't actually want him to watch much; but it would be nice to have at least one program he enjoys for the times I need to keep him busy for awhile.

These pictures are of Henry at Munchkin Playland - an indoor playground in Hillsboro. I couldn't decide which one I liked better, so I am just going to post both. Doesn't he look like a little boy? No more baby!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

72 Weeks Old

Yay! The sign language classes are finally paying the most unexpected way. We are battling an ant-infestation of epic proportions. Every time we think we've got them cornered, they find a new way in. Luckily, Henry has mastered the sign for "bug" and, given his short stature, is in a unique position to spot those little buggers as they try to make their way across the floor. At first I thought he was crying wolf (signing wolf?) because I thought he was pointing out a piece of dirt...until that "dirt" started moving.

I don't have much other news; we've been keeping cool and waiting out this latest heat wave. This is a series of pictures taken yesterday - Henry filled up his wading pool himself by diligently holding the hose the entire time it took to fill up.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hot Child, Summer in the City

Heat wave!
To stay cool today we spent the morning at the Hubbs' House where Anna and Henry played outside in the water (bottom picture) and tonight had popsicles sans clothing on our back deck (top picture). The heat is making Henry's hair curly as you can see above his ears in the top picture. It probably should be cut, but it's too dang cute!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Week 71 Pictures

Here are some pictures from this week - I finally found the USB cord. There's one from when we are at the dentist and then a second one which isn't a particularly good shot, but I think it shows him looking so much like a little boy and not a baby anymore!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

71 Weeks Old!

Henry is in another phase of changing so quickly. He is understanding so much - he can follow multi-step commands (e.g. go pick out a book and bring it back to me). We can play "pretend" where he feeds or cuddles his baby doll. He is signing more and trying to say more of my favorite is when he tries to meow like a cat.

I took him to the dentist Wednesday to check out his "chipped" tooth. Turns out it is decay; as in a cavity. The dentist said it more than likely came in that way, apparently that happens sometimes. [This is what I had been saying all along - that it came in that way and did not get chipped.] Anyway, it does need to be filled as it is almost decayed to the nerve something that not only would be extremely painful for him but also dangerous in terms of possible infection. The options then are either to put him under general anesthesia - risky but allows for a more complete filling to be done without upsetting Henry - or just fill it the way they do for adults, novacaine - little/no risk, but the dentist said it will be tramautic for Henry as I will have to hold him down and the filling will be done quickly and perhaps not as well. ***Has anyone had to make this decision? What did you decide? Would you do the same thing again?***

Struggling with sleep issues this week as well. It seems there are two sleep scenarios: either he goes to sleep right away but then wakes up about 3 hours later ready to start the day and tosses and turns the rest of the night waking around the takes 3 to 4 HOURS to get him to sleep. Neither option is fun or viable. Must make changes. How?? I need a sleep doula I think.

No picture for now. I can't find the USB cord and am too tired to look for it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

70 Weeks Old!

Henry had a check-up at the doctor's office yesterday. He weighs 20 pounds, 4 ounces and is 33 1/2 inches tall. He has grown 2 1/2 inches since the last time we went in...which I think was about 3 months ago and only gained 1 ounce. He was sick a couple times which I'm sure made him lose weight, but holy cow! The doctor said not to worry, just to make sure he's getting lots of snacks all day long. I think he's going to be tall and lean, just like his daddy. Everything else checked out just fine - as expected.

This has been a tough week as far as sleep goes; trying to get adjusted to the time change. We did make it to the park with the Hubbs Family one morning and to the library for our music class this week, but that's about it. Looking forward to getting back on a better schedule and being able to get out and enjoy the rest of the summer. I haven't really taken any pictures since we've been home so I've just posted another one from Hawaii.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vacation in a Nutshell

We are back in Portland, where it is strangely warmer than it was in Hawaii. The weather forecast, however, is calling for cooler temperatures, so we'll see.

Anyway, Hawaii was fantastic. Henry was awesome on the airplane; which is what I was most worried about. Of course it helped that Gigi and Uncle Geoff were on the same flight home as us...extra help! Hawaii was the first time Henry had been in a swimming pool (other than the little plastic one in the backyard!) and he loved it. We got him a little inflatable innertube and he could float around in that but he also liked just being held in the water. Brett, being the former swim instructor/lifeguard, was able to help Henry feel really comfortable in the water and make sure he didn't get overwhelmed. Henry also loved the ocean and jumping into the waves. Most of all he loved riding the boogie board we rented for the week. And by riding, I mean kneeling on the board and then leaning his head over the plastic see-through hole in it to look at the fish and coral and various other underwater flora and fauna. It was hilarious. I could not believe that he caught on to the idea of looking through the "window" on the board to see under the water, but he totally did. It was awesome. He also got to see a couple sea turtles, which was so cool once he realized that he was looking at a big animal and not a big rock! Uncle Mike cooked for us nearly every day - a wide range of cuisines...sort of an international and Hawaiian fusion using lots of fresh ingredients from the plentiful farmers' markets. We went to a luau one night; we weren't sure how Henry would like it but it turns out it was a fantastic event for him. He was captivated by the dancers and music, got to people watch, and also got to run around a little. Given the success of the boogie board we thought he might enjoy a glass bottom boat tour. Not so much. Maybe it was bad timing (early afternoon) or maybe it was that he couldn't run/climb on the boat like he wanted to, but he didn't seem too keen to just sit and look at the ocean - although he did for a little bit and got to see some more fish. I do have some video of him on the boogie board, however it's about 15 minutes long which is way too long to post here, so I have to edit it down...stay tuned!

Now that we're home, we've definitely got to start taking him to the local pool so he can continue to get swimming lessons from his daddy. We're all still adjusting to the time change. I think it's harder to come back this way because you want to stay up later than you should and then have to get up earlier than you want to! Plus I've got the dreaded bedroom switch to look forward to. Arg. I am not looking forward to moving him into his own room to sleep, but I know it needs to be done for all our sakes. Off to the doctor's office tomorrow for what was supposed to be a 15 month check up but is now a 16 month check up...vital stats to follow.