Some of the highlights...While Brett, Mom and Henry toured the USS Midway, Nora and I walked the Embarcadero and enjoyed the beautiful weather and views.
We spent some time at Coronado Beach where Brett and Henry ventured into the water, but it wasn't a very warm day so the rest of us stayed in the sand. It was Nora's first time playing in the sand, and she loved it! I mostly spent my time trying to prevent her from eating too much of it.
I had originally thought that two days at Legoland was not going to be enough time for us to enjoy everything (Legoland, the waterpark and aquarium), but it turned out to be just perfect. It helped that the weather was not too warm (and, actually, on the second day it was a little chilly at time). If it had been hot we could have used more time at the awesome waterpark, but as it was it was just right.
Henry had a blast riding all the rides. Having thoroughly studied a map of the park prior to going, Henry knew exactly which rides he wanted to hit first. We managed to ride most of the rides twice in a row taking advantage of Legoland's parent swap system. Since we had Nora who couldn't ride many rides, one of us would go on the ride with Henry while the other stayed behind at the start of the ride with Nora. Then we would switch with the other parent getting to ride again with Henry without having to wait in line again. It was awesome - especially because lots of the rides there are pretty short. Henry did all of the roller coasters and loved every second of them.
Although he loved the rides, one of the definite highlights for Henry was the Star Wars exhibit. These are only three of the many, many pictures and videos I have of the Lego mini Star Wars scenes. He recognized each scene and knew which movie it came from. The pictures above are of Brett and Henry standing in front of the largest Lego model ever built which just so happens to be an X-wing fighter! Also above are Henry and the Millennium Falcon and the cantina scene from Episode 4.
Nora mostly just enjoyed Henry's company and is usual! She is still not crawling which was fantastic for this trip! I can't imagine how difficult it would have been to keep her safe and out of trouble if she was mobile (not to mention I imagine she wouldn't have been as content to stay in her stroller or sitting on our laps if she was moving around).
And of course, we spent lots and lots and lots of time in the pool. Sometimes it was too cool for Nora but it never stopped Henry and Brett (and Mom too!) from swimming daily. Henry brought his snorkel and mask and just swam and swam and swam. In the video I posted above be sure to watch carefully at the beginning of when he starts swimming (both from the wall and also from Brett) to see his new signature move - a spin while swimming. On one of the last days there we went to Mission Beach where Henry got an "official" red Lifeguard shirt which he then proceeded to wear to jump into the pool and rescue us. :)
We left on the 4th of July but not before being able to check out the festivities in Old Town San Diego's town square. It was all 1800s themed but very well done. I wish we'd been able to stay for longer there and we all agreed we should come back for another 4th sometime in the future.
My camera's battery ran out before the end of our trip, so I don't have many pictures from the last couple days, but once I get copies of the pictures Mom took I might share some more!
Nora says "Good Bye from San Diego!" (She learned to wave while on vacation!)
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