Nine months old! Wow! She's waving, clapping her hands, signing "more," and talking, talking, talking...of course not actual words (other than "mama") but she sure does babble a lot! Still no crawling but every time she gets into the crawling position I think this will be the time she gets that forward motion going. It seems like it could happen at any moment. She's started pulling herself up a bit on some things - especially on my leg when I'm standing and she wants me to hold her. She only gets up onto her knees, but she's figuring out how to pull herself up higher.
We went to the zoo today and she loved looking at all the animals. She clicked at the hippos (a sounds she makes when she's trying to get someone's attention). Below is a picture of her and Henry waiting for the Birds of Prey show to begin. I haven't taken her in to get weighed. She has her 9 month check up next week, so I may end up just waiting until then.
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