Thursday, January 8, 2009

41 Weeks Old!

This week I've got both a video and still photos of Henry to share. The video was taken today as he was feeding himself noodles (wheels), cheese (just a little!), and ground turkey...a deconstructed version of our own turkey spaghetti dinner. He is demonstrating his attention-getting grin. I was calling it his "fake" smile, but I don't actually think it's fake - but it's definitely a deliberate smile he does because he knows it will get a good reaction. I've put a still photo of it up as well. Also is a picture of him sitting in his size 12 month pajamas that Gigi just got him. He pretty much skipped right over wearing the 9 month size. It seems like he only wore them (with them fitting well) for about a month. If I cut the feet off them I could get some more use out of them. I think I'll do that on some of the grungier ones...ones I wouldn't want to reuse or give away anyways.

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