Tuesday, January 27, 2009

10 Months Old!

Here's the big guy eating his big boy breakfast of waffles and pineapple. Amazing. He's grown so much in just 10 months. Not crawling yet, but I'm still happy about that. He can scoot around to wherever he wants if he's so motivated. I have to say, I'm probably a big reason why he's not crawling because I tend to give him whatever it is that he's trying to get. When I'm not in the room is when he moves around the most. But I'm not worried...I know it's only a matter of time. Two months until he's one! Wow! This year has gone so quickly. I feel like we only got back to Portland a month or two ago. Anyway, we are both feeling a lot better. Whether the antibiotics I took helped or whether enough time passed to get rid of whatever bug I had, I don't know. Henry also is pretty much better, just a little congested still is all. We're waiting for another tooth to come in...that seems like a never-ending process!

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