Friday, March 7, 2008

March least the weather

I've gotten some emails about the crazy weather that's happening down in this neck of the woods, so I thought I'd give an update. We were supposed to have a big storm come through on Tuesday from the west, but it missed us. Today we had a tornado warning for a couple hours this morning and apparently a little one did touch down about 20 miles from here...but no damage. It rained for awhile, but nothing serious. It's supposed to be rainy and windy tonight, but it doesn't seem like anything in comparison to the storms we had last summer!

Otherwise all is well here in Savannah. The town in gearing up for the big St. Patrick's Day celebration which begins next Friday. The city goes completely nuts and is host to one of the largest parties in the country. The festivities for us begin tomorrow when Brett has to spend the day at the LITTLE MISS ST. PATRICK'S DAY PAGEANT. (It's a Clear Channel sponsored event.) Oh my goodness...all I can imagine is Little Miss Sunshine and spray-tanned JonBenet's and an audience full of creepy older men who have no legitimate reason to be there. As far as next week's festivities go, I think I'll watch from from my couch. I have no interest in trying to maneuver my big belly through the swarms of drunken Southerners wearing all green outfits and Mardi Gras beads. Anyway, the parade's on TV.


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