Wednesday, March 12, 2008

34 Weeks - The Countdown Begins

Only six more weeks to go! (Or thereabouts.)

We had our check-up at the doctor's office today and everything baby related is fine.

However, I am feeling increasingly less enthusiastic about delivering this baby at the hospital. From the very beginning I expressed a preference for delivering at a birthing center but have been swayed towards the point of view of those who think a hospital is the best option. Since I've never given birth before and don't know what to expect, I let go of the idea of an alternative birth place. Now as the time gets nearer, I feel less assured that my voice will be heard in the midst of the cacophony of "hospital policy," choruses of "that's just how it's done," and refrains of "it's the best for the baby." In my opinion there does not need to be a trade-off between safety and alternative birthing methods. Yet, when confronted with an argument from the MD I find it very difficult to articulately express this concept. I've found this [not listening to a patient and assuming that they know best] to be a problem consistent to many MDs which frustrates me to tears. So that's where I am at today. Frustrated to the point of tears and feeling mute.

Of course I am quite cognizant of the fact that all of the above may become a completely moot point once I go into labor and decide to hell with my plan, give me all the medical interventions you can. Regardless, I still feel that I should walk away from a doctor's appointment feeling confident that my concerns were listened to, validated, and will be respected.

Bottom line is that the baby is fine. At this point, that's the most important thing. I can get busy reforming the medical system later.

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