Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Playing Catch-Up: Odds and Ends

 Nora is 18 months old now! I tried to get some pictures to show off her curly, curly hair because I'm guessing the curls will end up straightening out eventually (I hope not for a long time, though). Her hair is curly everywhere except for her bangs...just about the opposite of Henry who had curly hair in front. His was never this curly though - although I'm not sure it was ever long enough to know for sure.

 One day during Spring Break we went to the Beaverton Library to participate in their superheroes day. They got to make masks (Henry made Nora one), superhero shields (again big brother made one for sis), and do lots of superhero themed games. Henry unwittingly was dressed as Clark Kent...it was unintentional - he was actually dressing as an office worker as he was headed to Brett's office later - but perfect for this event. Nora was dressed as a cowgirl - with a Pebbles-esque ponytail.
Super strong Henry!!

Like brother, like sister...
Look who I found up on the table, with a whole stick of butter, happily munching away. She looks sheepish, doesn't she?

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