She's a walking, talking (sort of) machine. After about six weeks of taking tentative steps, working up from one or two steps to up to about a dozen, in the last week she's now a proficient enough walker that she prefers walking over crawling and walks everywhere. The video just below was taken at Geoff and Adrianna's house on the last night of Hanukkah when she was still not 100% steady. I had the funniest video of her being goofy and purposely falling down but I think I may have erased it as I can't find it again. Boo.
In any case, she is loving walking and is getting really steady and confident on her feet. Here she is with Henry's lunchbox. She was so proud of herself carrying it around. I'm sure she can't wait until she gets to take her own lunch to school.
She's also talking more. Well, that's not exactly accurate...she's talking the same amount (a lot!) but is saying more understandable words. Of course, they are probably only understandable to me, but still! One word she has down perfectly is "hi!" and she uses it relentlessly: greeting us over and over when we enter a room, to people in the aisles at the store, and to every person she sees at Henry's school. New words she's added to her vocabulary: kiss (sounds like tiss when she says it); again (which sounds like gin); and sing (which sounds like ting). Speaking of singing, the girl loves music and singing. I practically never sing to her but happened to one night and then she proceeded to request me to sing more and more and more. Now almost nightly she implores me to "ting!" Today she's even gotten picky about which song she wants to hear. She requested Isty-bitsy spider rather than what I was singing. She does the little hand motions for the spider to get her point across and then when I finished that one and started another she got a grumpy look on her face and said "gin!" signed "more" and then said and signed "please."
Here she is wearing Dad's shoes...looks like she might have a problem walking though. She still loves shoes, jewelry, and brushing her hair. I put her hair into a little pony tail on the top of her head today and she kept patting it before eventually pulling it out. Her bangs are getting so long that I have to figure out some ways to keep them out of her eyes, unless I want to cut them...which I don't!
I love these last two pictures of her. She looks so serious in the one, with a pen in her hand, as if she's busy thinking up things to write down. And then in the other, such a goofy smile. She is definitely a goof-ball entertainer (much like her big brother!).
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