Wednesday, June 12, 2013

35 Weeks Old

 Officially 8 months old! Wow have the last eight months flown by...I just can't believe it!
After a few days of illness last week, she's now pretty much back to her regular cheery self. She started with a fever early last week, but it wasn't very high so I let her ride it out for 24 hours without medication but it persisted for two more days (giving her Tylenol during) and then she started throwing up. So I took her to the doctor only to find out it was just a virus and there was nothing to do but wait it out anyway. But, I did get to weigh her just in time for her 8 months. She weighs 20 pounds. On 5/13 she weighed 18 pounds, 15 ounces so she gained a full pound in one month (actually probably more I'm guessing since we were a few days off and she was ill and not eating well). Pretty good!

She is getting her 5th tooth already! And it randomly is the upper left one next to the middle ones. Weird because usually the bottom ones come in first and usually the ones on the right...

We've been keeping busy - the pictures above are from a hike we went on. Brett set up our tent in the yard for Henry so he has been spending a lot of time playing in there and asking if he can sleep overnight in it.

The last picture is of Nora this morning at breakfast. I discovered another food she loves....pineapple! I wasn't sure if she would like that or not, but she ate the entire piece and ignored the other food on her tray (eggs, mandarin oranges, toast and a couple Cheerios) until she finished the pineapple.

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