Trying to crawl! I've been joking that every time she gets ready to crawl I scoop her up off the ground so she can't, but the time is coming. She's getting closer and closer (even with me trying to stop her!). She can scoot on her bottom in a seated position but doesn't really realize that she's doing it (at least that's what it seems like), and she can move in a full circle while on her belly, but now she's moving from a seated position onto her hands and knees - see picture to side. She still has one leg bent sideways rather than straight out behind her...but I have a feeling that once she gets that leg into position she'll be off.
This week was Father's Day and Brett's birthday. We had a great time celebrating both with a BBQ at our house. Brett got a bike - as seen above with Henry - so now all we need is a baby seat for Nora and we can go on family bike rides, something we've been looking forward to for a long time.
The video above should be named "Anticipation" because all I am doing to make her laugh hysterically is moving my fingers along the floor as if I am going to tickle her and then occasionally just barely tickling her. Mostly I am just moving my fingers around and she is just dying. Then, towards the end, I'm trying to get her to move towards the camera. She does a little bit of that scooting action I was talking about and tries to get on her hands and knees without much success. Henry had a friend over to play which is the noise you hear in the background!