Wednesday, March 20, 2013

23 Weeks Old & First Tooth!

I have a cute video to upload but am having trouble with it...not sure if it's the website or what, but stay tuned, hopefully I'll figure it out.

 First tooth! So exciting! It poked through a little bit last night and then today it's been going up and down a bit but definitely up through the gum. I looked back at Henry's records and his first came in at 28 weeks (but he was born early, so adjusted it would have been almost the same age as Nora). Henry also got his second tooth within days of his first. So we shall see if she gets her second tooth soon as well. She's been drooling, chewing on things (her hands and her giraffe mostly) for the last month or so. Yesterday she would not sleep for longer than maybe 40 minutes at a time and was pretty fussy in the evening - which I attributed to the napping situation. But then the tooth showed up! After some Tylenol last night she slept really well overnight and has been pretty much back to her normal cheery self today.

She's sitting up better and better by herself. She just needs a pillow behind her (the Boppy works great for this) because she'll sometimes fling herself backwards. Also if she leans too far to either side she'll tumble over. This week we've tried to take advantage of any breaks in the rain we could and have been taking evening (and sometimes afternoon) walks. Henry has been playing outside a lot - digging around in the yard and exploring every inch of it. We took Nora outside and blew bubbles for her (see picture). At first she didn't even notice the bubbles, but once she did she really liked watching them. On Saturday we went to a St. Patrick's Day carnival - the kids both looked adorable in their green shirts and Henry had fun playing all the carnival games (although I think the most memorable part of the event was the cotton candy he got to eat...a rare treat for sure!).

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