Miss Nora is nine weeks old already! Well, actually she was yesterday, but I neglected to get a blog post done yesterday. It was Mike's birthday (12-12-12!!) and we all went out to dinner to celebrate! Anyway, Nora is doing great. We had an appointment with a lactation consultant yesterday so I could try and figure out what the heck was going on with her latch. She offered me a diagnosis and a solution so I am trying it out and so far Nora seems to be doing better. I'll just keep a close watch on her and make sure that's really what's going on and that we've solved the problem. Since I took her in yesterday I got to weigh her (I would go every week if I could...I love seeing how much weight she's gaining!). She gained 6 ounces in 6 days! The little chunker! She now weighs in at 10 pounds, 4 ounces. (Well, as of yesterday - I'm sure she weighs more than that today.) She is continuing to get so strong - she can hold her head up consistently on her own pretty much the entire time she's being held upright and she is staying awake for much longer stretches. She is really tracking things (especially people!) and loves to watch and look at all different kinds of things. Riding in the car continues to be a struggle - she just HATES it. We've tried everything we can think of and she just cries and/or screams the entire time. I remember Henry did not like the car seat at this age either (and actually quite a bit older too because I remember especially dreading a drive to Jacksonville and that was when he was 4 months old...), but I don't remember him screaming the way she does.
The pictures this post are kind of lacking because I already posted all our cute pictures in the last couple posts! The picture of the feet I think is so sweet - it was impromptu but next time I will try and get them both in their bare feet. The one of Henry holding Nora I like because of Nora's expression - she is so expressive...and so many of them are hilarious because she looks angry or, as we like to call it, her "not impressed" look. We put up our holiday decorations on Monday, so I had to include one of that and finally the picture of her sleeping in the swing because she finally started to "enjoy" the swing (i.e. not cry the second she's put into it!).
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