Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Seven Weeks Old!

Seven weeks old today!
Not a ton of changes from last week to this week - Nora is staying awake longer and longer and is much more alert and active when she is awake. She loves to be upright and moves her head all around to look in different directions. I will try and take a video of her doing this; it is really cute.  I had to fight the urge to take her into the doctor's office today to weigh her because I am so curious to see how much weight she's gained. She just feels so much heavier to me, but who knows! Her 8 week check up is next week, so I will just wait until then and see how much she's gained at that point. She's still nursing about every 2 hours, give or take. Sometimes much more frequently, especially in the evenings when she is cluster feeding...getting ready for the night. I'm not certain but I think she goes up to 3 or 4 hours sometimes overnight. She starts out in the co-sleeper but then ends up in bed with me and I only half wake up to help her latch on and then when she's done eating I move her to her own little spot on the bed next to me, make sure she's safe and go back to sleep. Occasionally I need to sit up so that she can get a really good nursing session in but only if she's especially fussy. Once she reaches about 10 pounds she'll probably not  need to nurse as frequently, but I'm fine with the frequent nursing. I have no problem nursing her wherever we are (in the store, at the library, at the zoo, in the car - not while it's moving of course!), so the frequency doesn't bother me or hold us back from doing things.

She's smiling a lot more lately too which is so fun to see! You can even see her dimples in the top picture! And I love the picture of her and Henry together - it might be kind of hard to tell, but she is smiling at him. She's starting to lose her beautiful dark hair, darn it. It's definitely thinning out, especially around her forehead and ears. I'm anxious to see what her "new" hair comes in looking like - I really, really hope she gets hair early and isn't a bald little girl for long! :)

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