His preschool has scheduled a couple playdates each month during the summer so that the kids can stay in contact with each other. One such event was at Oaks Park - here's Henry on the Tilt-O-Whirl. Last summer when I took him on it he cried...this summer he begged to go on it again and again. I could only handle going twice. I offered to find someone else to ride it with him, but he decided not to. Next time we'll take someone with us who can share in the dizzy-duty!
We've only gone to the beach once so far this summer. Hopefully we'll go more in the second half of the summer because Henry does love it. We went to Cannon Beach for the day with mom and, as you can see from this picture, the weather was less than ideal. Oh well - Henry had fun regardless!
One place we are spending a lot of time in this summer, are the various Portland area pools...especially the Sellwood and Wilson pools. This picture is at the Wilson pool. Henry's swimming has improved so, so, so much this year and I can't wait for him to take his swimming lessons (coming up in August) to see if we can get him actually swimming on his own.
Finally, just for fun, Henry with Batman and Superman at the mall. :)
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