Friday, April 22, 2011

Weekly Update

Keeping with my new found tradition (is that an oxymoron?) of going to the same activity two days in a row, Henry and I went to the zoo twice in as many days this week. Both days when we woke up in was sunny and seemed like it was going to be warm...both days we got rained on at the zoo. But, regardless, we still had fun. We rode the train one day (mostly to escape the rain) and Henry loved it. The obsession with sports continues and he's found a new favorite - lacrosse. He's been interested in it for awhile (all it takes for him to become interested in a sport is seeing it once), but I happened across a pair of miniature lacrosse sticks at a consignment store last week and since then he's been playing it all the time. It's almost taken over hockey for his number one most practiced sport...almost, but not still reigns supreme. He enjoyed a trip to the sporting goods store to try on some lacrosse masks - outings are so much fun right now, just about anything is fun to him! His other big interest right now is being a police officer. He was inspired by my recent run in with the fuzz, and has since taken to riding around on his scooter (e.g. motorcycle) and pulling people over for not wearing their seat belt (my infraction) or speeding (we saw some motorcycle cops sitting at an intersection doing speed checks recently). After a bit of that he directs traffic for an intersection that's light has stopped working (inspired by an episode of his favorite show, Caillou), which is what he is doing in the picture. Purely by chance, last Halloween I bought him a police uniform costume when they went on clearance at Fred Meyer. It was too big for him then so it's been sitting in the back of his closet until this recent interest in police work cropped up. I dug it out and it fits him perfectly. He wants to wear it EVERYWHERE.

One more week of basketball class then we start soccer and swimming!

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