Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekly Update

Well the big story this week was definitely the snow. I have to say, it was a pretty perfect snowfall. Just a little bit, but enough to play in and gone by the afternoon! We got to go outside and play for about 90 minutes even though Henry was still getting over his cold. The poor little guy was so snotty and congested, but it was the first day he'd been out of the house in quite a few days and he was thrilled. The neighbor kids came over and they had a snowball fight - boys versus girl. Tyler made snowballs for Henry to throw and Henry loved being a part of the action and playing with the big kids.
We have entered into the "why?" phase of toddler-hood. Just about everything we do is followed by either "what you doing, mom (or dad)?" and/or "why?" I must have answered about 15 "why's" the other day in regards to wrapping a birthday present. He is picking up so many new vocabulary words every day it is incredible. He told me he was "a little bit nervous" the other day about something. Then a couple days ago I was scrambling to get us out of the house quickly to make it to the post office before they closed and he said "don't worry, mom!" Brett and I are also loving that he is singing along to so many songs. I tried to get a video of him surreptitiously in the car today of him singing to Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" but he knew the camera was on him so of course he didn't sing the way he usually does. I have to try and convince him to perform for the camera so I can share just how cute this is.
I can't wait to take him in for his three year checkup soon to find out how much he weighs and how tall he is percentile-wise. And one he turns three he'll finally be able to take some actual sports classes at the community center - something he has been looking forward to since last year when we first observed them. He's also itching to go bowling - I told him we could when he was completely over his cold, so I guess we've got a bowling outing in our near future!

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