Thursday, September 10, 2009

75 Weeks Old!

No (new) picture this week. I left my camera at Gigi's house over the weekend...a whole week without photo documentation! What have I been doing with my time?!? This is a picture from last week at Washington Square.
Well, actually, we've all been a bit under the weather this week. Just a little cold; certainly a taste of what the winter has in store for us.

Henry has been signing even more words and along with signing them he has been trying to say more and more. We were practicing the sign for 'book' and he was doing the sign and trying to say 'book' at the same time. Then when we were at the library he signed and said book. So cool.

We got him a twin size bed at IKEA and just finished putting it together and making all the necessary modifications to make it safe for him to sleep in. As soon as I get my camera I'll take some pictures of it and post them. We've been letting the mattress air out and fluff up (as recommended by IKEA) but tomorrow I plan on using his bed for his nap and we'll take it from there.

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