Thursday, July 9, 2009

67 Weeks Old!

I cut Henry's hair today...I really should have waited for Brett's help. Henry moved while I was cutting it and I made the back totally short on one side, so then I tried to even it out, but it's crooked and really short...whoops! At least it's just in the back...

In other news, Henry is walking like crazy. He has just about mastered the bend down and pick up an object move. He practices this whenever he gets the chance. At our music class today he spent a good 10 minutes walking over, bending down, picking up a book, and walking back to me to hand it off. He also spent about the same amount of time practicing getting in and out of one of those foot-powered red and yellow cars at the indoor playground yesterday. I love that he keeps repeating a skill over and over until he feels like he's mastered it.

Today was our last sign language class. I've made up my mind to re-double my efforts to sign as much as possible because it is so rewarding to be able to really communicate with him. The frequency with which he signs is in direct proportion to the frequency with which we sign to him. The teachers who teach the classes we've been taking also offer a second and third level sign class which I would really love to take as well.

Here is a picture of him taken yesterday at the indoor playground and the video is of him practicing the bending over/picking up skill. This is a great video actually, because he also says "mama," throws a toy, gives Wilbur a hug and waves to the camera. Enjoy!

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