A quick update since I still don't have access to my pictures. (Boo!)
Henry turned six last Thursday! His birthday fell during Spring Break so we haven't had a party with his friends yet. But since it wasn't a school night, we got to celebrate with the family on his actual birthday which was great! He requested a Star Wars themed cake (first choice was Darth Vader which I nixed since the black frosting was a bit much), so I made a Yoda cake. I was worried it was going to be terrible, but people seemed to think it was decent. I will post pictures when I get them... He got some absolutely amazing presents and has had so much fun playing with them all in these last few days before school starts.
Unfortunately the week leading up to his birthday was not as great as the actual day itself. The drama began the week prior when he got strep throat. Luckily we caught it early and got him on antibiotics and within 48 hours he was feeling a lot better. However, about 5 days into taking the 10 day course of antibiotics he developed a strange measles-like rash starting on his feet and moving its way up his body. We first noticed it at night and by the next morning his whole body was covered in spots. I took him to the doctor who diagnosed it as a "normal" reaction the body can have when taking antibiotics and getting a cold virus at the same time. He said we should continue with the antibiotics and the rash would get worse before it got better but it was no big deal. Over the next few days we watched with growing concern as the rash changed from spots to huge, bruise like swaths of hives across his entire body. He had barely any clear skin anywhere. Back to the doctor when this time he was correctly diagnosed as having a penicillin allergy. A fairly bad one at that. We started Benedryl immediately and the doctor rechecked him later to make sure the reaction was clearing up. Luckily the Benedryl worked and we didn't have to give him any steroids. Now, a full week after ending the antibiotics the rash/hives are nearly gone but are still visible on his arms and legs (the worst affected areas). Poor kid missed three days of school right before Spring Break and a day the week prior for the strep. He's very excited to be returning tomorrow!
More once I get pictures!