This week she's continued to improve her mobility...mainly in discovering that she can move out an open door and outside...which is problematic when we want to have the front door open! She is also a climber and explorer. She loves to open drawers and cupboards and to try and pull herself up onto just about anything. She takes after Henry with her amazing sense of humor (yes! at 10 months old she definitely has a sense of humor!). Her latest trick is to hang a wet wipe (or piece of paper or tissues, etc.) out of her mouth and shake her head around. She can do this over and over and over and crack herself up every time. The first video is one of her doing her crinkled nose and "snorting." She also finds it immensely funny to do and, strangely, also must think that it's very charming because she does it when she wants something from someone. I have to apologize for the quality of the second video - terrible camera work on my part. But I decided to still post it because it shows off her exploratory skills as she gets into a cupboard, her speed crawling (albeit only a short bit) as she tries to get away from me and, best of all, she signs "light." I also tried to get her to sign bird but she wasn't having it. Probably because there wasn't an actual bird in the house!
This week we took a trip to the zoo, the river, and went mini-golfing again. I hope to squeeze in a bunch more activities next week before school starts. Finally, a picture of Henry at the zoo that he himself posed for and insisted I take. :)