Nora is officially six months old today! And, miracle of miracles, we actually had her six month check-up scheduled for today as well. Both she and Henry went in for their check-ups at the same time which was very convenient.
Here are the important statistics - weight is 17 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces and height was measured at 27 inches which seemed wrong to me at the time and now that I've had a chance to review my notes I realize it definitely has to be wrong because they measured her at 27 inches last month and she's definitely grown! Even at 27 inches this month it puts her in the 90th percentile. Her weight puts her in the 69th percentile so she continues to grow bigger and bigger in terms of her percentile curve (was in the 65th percentile last month). Love it, love it, love it! With all the struggles I had in the beginning with Henry and nursing and doubting my supply it feels really, really great to know my body knows what it's doing and to see a chubby little baby grow and grow as a result!
Speaking of food...she continues to try lots of new foods. Let's the past week she's tasted/chewed (maybe swallowed a bit) steak, chicken, cantaloupe, peas, banana, cauliflower and bread. I may be forgetting some. The only thing she's actually eaten in any meaningful quantity is avocado. Well, maybe a good bit of banana as well. Banana, I've discovered, is actually the perfect food to let her feed herself as she can pick it up and squish it herself. The avocado doesn't squish as nicely as the banana and tends to break of in chunks (hence the mesh feeder). I have a sweet potato ready to be cooked for her...maybe tomorrow?
The pictures are (in order from top to bottom): Henry giving Nora a hug. He continues to be so sweet with her and asks to hold her at least once a day. I love this picture because they really look like they are hugging. Then a picture of Nora tasting first she seemed to not like it at all, but then she couldn't get enough of it and I actually had to cut her another piece because the one she had started to fall apart. Below that, another picture of the brother and sister. Although it's not a great picture I like it because it shows of her chubby rolls all up and down her chest and tummy. So cute!! And finally a picture of her new favorite pass time - taking toys out of that yellow bin one at a time, inspecting them, then tossing them aside. The key to this activity is the yellow bin. If I just put a pile of toys in front of her she has little interest in them, but if I put them in the bin, she is fascinated with pulling them out one at a time and putting them down outside the bin until the bin is empty. (At which point, you guessed it, I put them all back in and she starts over!)
Henry had his friend birthday party this week...but I will do a separate post for that...maybe tomorrow or the next day.