Look at the little lady! Getting better and better at balancing herself. Still not too ready to sit up on her own yet, but she's certainly trying. She is definitely happiest sitting up so she can see what's going on around her and try to grab for things. Henry takes his role as big brother pretty seriously most days - here he is reading her a story before bed the other night. He asked if he could change her diaper today...maybe with some more practice that can become his regular job! Today Nora was in her swing and I stepped out the front door to call Wilbur inside. Henry came to the door and said "well, Nora's not in her swing anymore." Panic! "What do mean she's not in her swing anymore?" "I moved her to the couch." I ran in to find her on the couch kind of slumped over but otherwise in good spirits. "Umm...let's wait until Mom or Dad can help you from now on, ok?"
She has a check up tomorrow - technically it's her 4 month appointment, even though we are closer to 5 months at this point. I'm excited (as always) to find out how much weight she's gained.
Since she's been gnawing on her hands so much that her poor fingers are red and raw in places I've been trying to find a teether that she'll actually use. I've tried basically every type I can buy as well as homemade ones like washcloths, etc. But with every single one of them she acts as though I am trying to poison her - she squishes up her face, thrusts her tongue out, gags and sometimes starts to cry...then puts her hand back in her mouth. Well, since Henry was a baby I've been hearing about this "Sophie the Giraffe" toy for teething. No way was I going to spend the $20 on a teething toy....but everyone I talked to swears their kid loves it and chews on it, etc., etc. Well, I broke down and ordered the mini-version. And sure enough, as the picture shows, she's chewing on it! Here's hoping she continues to do so - her poor hands need a break!