Oh boy, I am getting terrible at this! My weekly updates have somehow morphed into monthly updates. I really do resolve to get back on track with these.
I also have been slacking in taking pictures. Terrible, I know. The last few weeks have been spent doing lots of different things - trying to take advantage of as much of the nice weather as we can for as long as it lasts. This very evening after dinner Henry asked if we could go outside and play baseball, then he looked out the window and said, in a very perplexed voice, "it's getting dark out?" I tried to explain to him that, yes, it is and that's what happens in the autumn and winter. Sad. :(
Here is a picture of him in his firefighter's uniform. He loves it. We've totally entered a new phase of interests - p0lice, firefighters, and paramedics. He absolutely is intrigued by every aspect of those professions. I think he might want to wear this as his Halloween costume although I'm not sure since last night he was stomping his feet, clapping his hands on his thighs and sticking out his tongue. When I asked him what he was doing he replied he was a Maori dancer and he needed to have his face painted. So maybe he'll want to be a Maori dancer...although that would be a rather chilly costume!