Henry just wrapped up his last day of a week-long ballet camp in Lake Oswego. He asked me specifically to take ballet, so when I heard about this class it seemed like a perfect opportunity. Overall I think he really enjoyed the class although I don't think his instructor was very well suited for preschoolers. Regardless, he had fun and is still interested in ballet, so perhaps I will try and find him another class in the fall. He was the only boy in the class which I found a little surprising. I certainly didn't think it would be an even split among the genders, but I thought there'd be at least one more boy. I am metaphorically shaking my head at gender stereo-typing in this day and age. I would have thought more people would be more open-minded about it, but I guess not. The interesting thing is that no one would think twice about sending their little girl to a basketball camp (or something similarly male skewed) but a boy in ballet? Everyone comments on that.
Here is a picture of the kids lining up to enter the studio (the teacher definitely had the "discipline" aspect of ballet down pat) and one of them at the end of their last class.