Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekly Update

Trip to Alpenrose to see the Little League Softball World you can tell, Henry was totally into the game.

It's been so long since I've updated that I'm not sure where to start! First of all, Gigi and Geoff have returned from South America and Henry could not be happier! They had a wonderful time and are already saying we need to take a family trip to Panama sometime soon! (Although Gigi did come home with some nasty looking arms that have been bitten to pieces by some sort of bug - she looks like she has small pox or something.)
We've been keeping the summer streak of business alive...trips to the zoo, Chuck-E-Cheese, OMSI (which we just bought a membership to - yay!), lots of time outside, etc., etc. One of Henry's favorite things we've done recently was attending the Dew Tour where we saw a BMX event. I've attached a video since I wouldn't be able to do it justice by describing it.
We also took a trip to the beach; to Lincoln City. While it was close to 100 degrees in Portland while we were at the beach, it was actually cool and slightly rainy at the coast. We still had a blast, nonetheless. Henry's favorite activity was flying a kite with Daddy (which, conversely, was Wilbur's least favorite activity. For whatever reason, the dog hates kites).
Currently we are working on a new sleeping routine. So far it has been awful...but we'll see...gotta give it some more time. That's about all I have the energy to say on that subject.
Oh, one final shout out to Geoff, who's White Coat Ceremony we just attended today at OHSU. Big ups, little bro!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quick Bragging Story

Sorry if this is annoying...but I totally have to brag for a minute...
I asked Henry to get a ball for Wilbur and when he did I jokingly said "Now, Wilbur, tell Henry 'thank you'!" I laughed and said "that's silly, huh? Wilbur can't say thank you." Henry signed 'thank you' and said "Wilbur, hands." I said, "Oh, Wilbur could say thank you with his hands? Could he say thank you with his hands?" Henry thought for a minute, held up his hand with his thumb folded down and said "no thumbs!"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Washington County Fair

Henry riding the kiddie rides at the fair...

Finally I am getting around to posting the pictures and video from the fair that Henry and I went to last week. This video is of us in the sheep exhibit. Henry was pretty worried or even scared at first because there were so many sheep on all sides of us and they are so loud. I think he's used to seeing the goats at the zoo which are so docile and quiet in comparison. We saw so many animals - the only ones he seemed to be really comfortable around were the ones that were kept in cages... he didn't want to get close to the horses, calves or any others that weren't inside a pen of some sort.

He did so well on the rides. Technically he wasn't tall enough to ride them, but all the operators let him go anyway. I wasn't sure if he'd freak out being on them by himself, but he didn't at all - he seemed to really enjoy them.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekly Update

I can't believe it's already August! Of course part of the reason I can't believe it is because the weather hasn't been very summer-like. But thankfully the last few weeks have been nice and warm which means we've been able to spend a lot of time outside playing in the water, which Henry absolutely loves!
This first picture (the black and white) was taken last Thursday at a park in Wilsonville (I think it's called Memorial Park). We met Henry's friend Inari for a petting zoo and show by "The Reptile Man." It was so much fun. After the animals we enjoyed the water fountains they have there - totally awesome. They have the fountain Henry's playing in as seen, and then a super long, river-type water feature that the kids can play in too. The second picture Henry is getting his courage together to pet the lizard. He was hesitant at first, but later when Inari petted it, he jumped right in. He also got to pet a ferret, rat, bunny, and looked at a snake, but wouldn't touch it.
The last picture is of Henry at Grant Park by the Ramona Quimby statue. Another fun day playing in the water! Gigi was with us then - Henry was able to spend a lot of time with her in the last couple weeks which is great since now she and Geoff are off on their great South American adventure in Peru (and Costa Rica for Geoff).
Last Friday Henry and I went to the Washington County Fair which was so much fun...animals and rides - he loved it! I'm going to do a separate post about that because I have a lot of cute pictures and a little video too.
Henry is still making a lot of progress on the potty. I think he's at about a 90% success rate as far as trying to go on the potty before his nightly shower. We're not pushing him to go unless he asks, which is almost exclusively only before bathtime.
So, the other day I was trying to get Henry to role play being the daddy and mommy and I said "you be daddy and I'll be Henry...what does daddy say to Henry?" He thought for a minute and then said "No, no, no, no, no!" I asked him the same question for mommy and he gave me the same answer - "No, no, no, no, no!" Yikes! Brett and I are now trying to phrase things more positively! :)