Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Henry is TWO!

Checking out the new bike! (Look how small it is!)
Getting ready for the party!

Look at the expression on his face...he loved that cake!!

Henry turned two years old on Saturday. He was so darn cute; all day we kept telling him "It's your birthday today!" and he would act like he was blowing out candles. Brett had gotten him a balance bike for his birthday which we gave him on Saturday. A balance bike is essentially just a bike without pedals. It allows the child to use their feet to push themselves along so they learn how to balance and steer a bike. They can get going fast then put their feet up and coast too. Once they master the balance bike, they are ready for a bike with pedals (and no training wheels). Of course he loves it! He's only gotten one chance to use it so far since it started raining, but as soon as the weather improves I'm sure he'll want to use it all the time.
On Sunday we had the grandparents, Uncle Geoff, my aunt and uncle Joan and Bill and cousin Kate over for cake and presents. Gigi made him a basketball cake, which Henry absolutely LOVED. He also loved all the attention and presents! We are so fortunate to have so many people that love him so much. Thank you to everyone who was here - whether physically or in spirit! :)

The video is just a short clip of him getting his bike.

In non-birthday related news - the cold/virus/lung infection has cleared up but in it's place has settled a particularly nasty case of thrush. It started on his upper gum, cleared up for a couple days then came back on his tongue and has since spread to the roof of his mouth and throat. Today we saw the doctor for his 2 year check up and she prescribed a medicine for it. But until it clears up he is having a very tough time eating and is in pain. Always with the eating!! He only weighs 22 pounds, 5 ounces, which puts him in the 2nd percentile. He is 35 inches tall (long?), which puts him in the 65th percentile.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekly Update for 104 weeks!!

Yes, 104 weeks...that means Henry is two - tomorrow! I can't believe it! In many ways it seems like just a month or two ago that he was a newborn baby...in other ways, it definitely does feel like two years! I don't have the time or the energy right now to write a long, reflective entry about the last two years - so I will have to leave it at that for now.

We took Henry in to Penney's to get his 2 year photos taken today. Wow, he is definitely going into the terrible twos. He was so unco-operative that I didn't think we'd get any good photos. But, in fact, the photographer did manage to get a number of great ones - so stay tuned for those, they'll be ready in about a week.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More Food Photos

We discovered food that Henry loves....sauerkraut. No video this time, just a couple pictures. (Also, he's wearing his sweatbands on his arms because he was just playing hoops!)
On top - Henry showing off his mouthful of sauerkraut.
On bottom - reaching into the strainer to get the kraut.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Feeling Better

Ahh...the wonders of antibiotics! Henry, who has been on them the longest, is most definitely improved. He's got his pep back in his step and is his happy self once again. The difference in his mood is amazing. I took him to his regular storytime this week (we've been so cooped up in the house for so long, plus he's been on his meds for 4 days, so I figured it'd be alright). Here is a short video of him participating in the bop 'til you drop segment of class...hilarious! And a picture of my sweet boy with his smiley face.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sick...once again

A plague has visited our house. Henry has either bronchitis or pneumonia (or possibly both) - a chest x-ray would determine for certain, but the doctor decided to just prescribe antibiotics. Brett has a bad case of bronchitis and is on antibiotics and an inhaler. I have a touch of walking pneumonia in one lung and a sinus infection and am on antibiotics. The good news is that the antibiotics seem to be working for Henry already (taken 4 doses) because he has totally perked up...and gone wild...which is not a ton of fun for me and Brett since we're still feeling sick. Thank goodness for Gigi who has spent a bunch of evenings over here helping with dinner, bath and bedtime. Now that Brett and I have started our medicines, I'm sure we'll be perking up soon ourselves.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Finally...an update!

Subtitled: Tennis anyone?

We are all still in the midst of a horrible cold. Hopefully we're on the mend, but from what I've heard from other people that have had this, it can last a long time.

Henry's obsession with all things sports continues. I got him a little used racket from Play it again Sports and he is now completely enthralled with practicing his tennis swing. He has been watching tennis on television and has decided that the sound the players make when hitting the ball is obviously an integral part of the swing - thusly, you can hear his grunts with every swing. Pretty hilarious.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weekly Update

Oh boy, I am so sick right now. We all are...therefore, that will have to be the update for now. Sorry!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Henry's Favorite Snack

Fair warning: Brett gets disgusted watching Henry eat butter...so beware if you have a sensitive stomach too!

I truly do not let him eat butter like this all the time, but he loves it so much that I do let him every now and then. Here's a still picture as well in case the video has problems again.