Friday, October 30, 2009

82 Weeks Old Pictures and Video

Here are a couple pictures of Henry dressed up as a turtle for our music class today. Anna dressed up as a ladybug and they made quite the pair! Henry loved to look at himself in the mirror and I kept calling him "turtle" which he seemed to really like. After music class we stopped by Grandpa Rex's office and Henry got to show off for them. He has a skeleton outfit to wear also - he wore the shirt yesterday and would randomly stop and point to the bones periodically. The video is kind of boring; just Henry walking around but it shows off the costume better.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

82 Weeks Old

Stay tuned...I'll post tomorrow with some pics of Henry in his Halloween costume. We had a busy day today (baby sign language playgroup, friend over for dinner) so I haven't had time to take any pictures today.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

I couldn't figure out how to post the video itself, but here's the link! It's me, Brett, Wilbur and two Henrys (a baby Henry and a toddler Henry) singing "The Monster Mash."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Video speaks (or laughs) for itself. Enjoy!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Blazer Basketball Season!

I had a special request to publish this photo on the's Henry all ready for Blazer season...wearing a cute outfit he got as a hand-me-down and in front of the basketball hoop he got from Grandpa Rex.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

81 Weeks Old!

The speaking portion of his development is in full effect. Today he mastered "bubbles." He even managed to say "please" to the librarian today at storytime so he could get a stamp on his hand. The list of the words that he can either sign or say is growing daily. It's funny how the signing and the speaking are developing together. We've been working on saying and signing "help." The problem is he can't say it very well - it sounds a lot like "up." But he will sign it and say it at the same time and then I know for sure he's trying to say "help" and not "up." Definitely cuts down on the frustration of him not being able to communicate what he wants or needs.
His new favorite food since getting his teeth fixed is ice cream. :)
The top picture I took a couple days ago to show off how much hair he has now...and the color...we've got a ginger for sure! The second picture was taken Sunday at Gigi's house. And the last picture I took today while he was eating a snack and smearing peanut butter all over his face and hair.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Autumn 2009

We had a little photo shoot of Henry on Sunday, courtesy of Uncle Geoff as photog and Gigi as set director/scene co-ordinator. Geoff took over 160 are just a couple.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

80 Weeks Old!

Henry's appetite seems to be improving, at least a bit. We've stopped overnight nursing which is such a relief for me. Since Friday, Brett has been spending the nights with Henry, putting him back to sleep if (or when) he wakes up during the night. This way Henry doesn't expect to nurse and he goes back to sleep much easier than if it was me trying to put him back to sleep. Other than one night when Henry was a newborn and we went away for the night, these are the first nights in 18+ months that I've slept through the night. Strangely, I haven't been sleeping all that well...maybe I'm used to waking up 3 or 4 times a night. But Henry is definitely getting more rest; I can tell because he is now getting up around 7:45 instead of 8:30 or 9.
Grandpa Rex got Henry the basketball hoop in the picture last week. Henry loves it. He has come up with his own version of "Horse" in which he runs to a spot in the dining room and points for Brett or I to come there and shoot. Once we shoot, he grabs the ball, runs to another spot, points and waits for us to shoot from there.
PS If you've seen the YouTube video, then you know why his collar is popped. Hee hee hee.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Lee Farms on Saturday to get some pumpkins...and, yes, this year we actually did get some pumpkins to carve...although we'll probably end up just drawing faces on them. Who can be bothered with all the cleaning, carving, and lighting of the candles? :) This is the same place we went last year. It's awesome because it has lots of animals, which are much more exciting for Henry than the plethora pumpkins. We saw: chicks, calves, pig and piglets, puppies, goats, and chickens. Henry also got to ride down the giant slide (think State Fair-esque) four times - probably his favorite part of the day...and arguably the adults favorite part of the day as well. Henry was pretty cranky and didn't want his picture taken at all (he pretty much wanted to stay in someone's arms the entire time). But other than that, we had a fantastic time.

Friday, October 9, 2009

More Pictures

I forgot I had these...taken Monday, the day before the dental appointment. In the top one he is showing off his new skill of blinking. In the bottom one he is showing off his new barnyard animal friends that decorate his walls in his room and his new duvet cover also. Doesn't he look so much older than 18 months??? Especially in the top picture, I think.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

79 Weeks Old

I almost forgot it was Thursday today; it's been a crazy/off-schedule week. Henry is doing awesome although he does seem to be in some pain still. He's not eating a ton (but still more than he was before!) and is very tentative at taking bites. At first I wasn't sure if this was because he was used to it hurting when he ate or if it was because his mouth was hurting now, but I think it's because his mouth hurts now. We tried to brush his teeth and he absolutely freaked out...which leads me to believe he's still in pain. He was also extremely cranky today. But I'm sure that every day it will get a bit better until there's no more pain and he can thoroughly enjoy his new teeth!

We go in to the doctor for his 18 month check up next Monday and he goes back to the dentist in a week and a half for a check up, so I'll have more updates after those appointments.

These pictures are from last week - at the Garden Home Library's children's area and then at the park (from last week). He is yelling into the sound tube thing (that carries sound from one end of the playground to the other) which cracks me up because I had no idea he even knew what it was for.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Made It!

*Before and after pictures. I know it looks like he was in a car accident or something in the before, but I think it's just dirt. :) It's the best close-up picture I could find of that huge cavity on the front tooth (where the tooth had literally rotted away).

Yay! We made it to and through Henry's big dental appointment. I cannot express how happy I am that we were able to get in a whole month early. What a huge relief it is to have it done; and we're already seeing the positive benefits in Henry's ability to eat without pain.

He was under general anasthesia for just about 2 hours. Of his 12 teeth, 8 had to be fixed. The two upper molars got silver caps, the lower molars crowns, and the top 4 center teeth got composite caps (white). His front teeth look amazing! He looks like a movie star. :) The dentist wasn't sure if she would be able to save the badly decayed front tooth, but she did. Henry came out of the surgery crying, groggy, angry, and just generally grumpy. As the day has gone on, he's gotten better and better; becoming his old self again.

Now we just have to stay on top of cleaning his new teeth as they come in to try and prevent this much decay on the new ones. Lots of brushing, flouride, and crossing our fingers!