Henry is in another phase of changing so quickly. He is understanding so much - he can follow multi-step commands (e.g. go pick out a book and bring it back to me). We can play "pretend" where he feeds or cuddles his baby doll. He is signing more and trying to say more words...one of my favorite is when he tries to meow like a cat.
I took him to the dentist Wednesday to check out his "chipped" tooth. Turns out it is decay; as in a cavity. The dentist said it more than likely came in that way, apparently that happens sometimes. [This is what I had been saying all along - that it came in that way and did not get chipped.] Anyway, it does need to be filled as it is almost decayed to the nerve something that not only would be extremely painful for him but also dangerous in terms of possible infection. The options then are either to put him under general anesthesia - risky but allows for a more complete filling to be done without upsetting Henry - or just fill it the way they do for adults, novacaine - little/no risk, but the dentist said it will be tramautic for Henry as I will have to hold him down and the filling will be done quickly and perhaps not as well. ***Has anyone had to make this decision? What did you decide? Would you do the same thing again?***
Struggling with sleep issues this week as well. It seems there are two sleep scenarios: either he goes to sleep right away but then wakes up about 3 hours later ready to start the day and tosses and turns the rest of the night waking around the clock...OR...it takes 3 to 4 HOURS to get him to sleep. Neither option is fun or viable. Must make changes. How?? I need a sleep doula I think.
No picture for now. I can't find the USB cord and am too tired to look for it.