Unbelievable to me that he is this old already. Everyone cautions you how fast time flies, but you just cannot imagine how fast it really does go by until you are watching a child grow. (Exept for the first couple months...those do not fly by, those drag on and on in a sleepless haze.)
Henry is amazing. He is getting so talkative, so busy, so curious. His newest skill is clapping his hands which he has learned elicits an excited "patty-cake, patty-cake!!" response from us. He also is loving feeding himself lots of finger food to the point of sometimes refusing food that is fed to him by us. He loves to eat bread, egg, fruit pieces, cereal, turkey, graham crackers...pretty much anything we'll give him. Not crawling yet, but we think it will be soon. In any case, I'm not in any hurry - I like that he still stays where I put him.
Here is a picture of him sitting in his Uncle Geoff's old rocking chair that our grandpa (his great-grandpa) made for him when he was little...enjoying a little Christmas cigar (not really, of course).