Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Milestone Alert!

Henry had his very first feeding of "real" food tonight. We mixed breastmilk with a little rice cereal and fed it to him. He took it as if he has been eating for a long time - he knew exactly what to do with it and didn't spit it back out or anything. He just kept eating and eating it. It was awesome!

Six Month Check Up Stats

Hello all! Henry had his 6 month check up yesterday and the doc said he looks great. He weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces and is 27 inches long. The weight measured against other 6 month olds only puts him in the 10th percentile, but measured against 5 month olds in the 35th. The height is in the 30th percentile for 6 month olds and 50th for 5 month olds. He got two vaccinations yesterday - DTaP and Hib. The DTap is for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) and is the first of three he needs for him to be fully protected against those diseases. The hib is for a really common flu-like disease that causes vomiting and diarrhea and does kill children in other parts of the world, but here is typically treatable. Miserable to have, but treatable. The DTaP vaccine contains aluminum but the Hib does not, so I felt good about him getting those two together. He actually didn't react as much as I thought he would. Of course he screamed and cried as she was giving him the shots, but she was super fast and I nursed him right afterward and he stopped crying quickly. He was a little more fussy than usual last night but no fever or any other noticeable side effects.
I have a picture to post along with this so stay tuned! Ok, here's the picture...you can just barely make out his battle wound - the little bandaid on his left thigh where he got the shots!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

26 Weeks!

Technically he is a half a year old today (his six month is on the 27th)! He goes next Monday for his 6 month check up so I'll have more info on his vital stats after that. Right now he is sitting on the bed next to me (sitting up all by himself!) and trying to grab the remote control and laughing and babbling. He is so pleased with himself at being able to sit up. I put him in the shopping cart the other day for the first time just sitting in the little kids seat. I had to have him hold on to the bar in front of him and place something behind his back to support him but he absolutely loved it. He spent about 5 minutes just laughing. Laughing. People in Target were stopping and going "what is he laughing at?" and I told them I think just at sitting up. It was awesome. I'm putting two pics of him up today since he wasn't very happy when I took the first one. The shirt is a new one from Gigi...and it's a 12 month size. It says "I Love Mommy" in tattoo art style - it's my new favorite shirt of his.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Major Milestone Alert!

Henry has mastered the art of sitting up unassisted (well, "mastered" might be too strong of a word, but you get the idea!). On Saturday night he was sitting up while holding onto a bar in front of him and then on Sunday got steadier and steadier and was able to sit and balance himself completely alone. If he starts leaning too far in any direction then he does tumble over, but for the most part if he sways a little he can right himself again.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

25 Weeks Old!

Henry is reaching out and grabbing more precisely now and he is trying for any and everything within his grasp. He is absolutely fascinated with Wilbur and loves to watch him. He is definitely teething right now - we have had a couple of rough nights. It's making him cranky during the day too which is a new experience...up until now he had been such a docile little kiddo. His 6 month check up is at the end of this month and I can't wait to see how much he weighs!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

24 Weeks Old!

I cannot believe how big he is getting! He watches everything we do and is so curious about everything he sees. He especially is interested in watching us eat...which is a good sign that he's getting ready to start "solids" soon. He's still got at least another month of breastmilk to go - the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a minimum of 6 months of breastmilk only.

The picture of him and Wilbur makes Wilbur look gigantic. He is big, but he's not as big as he looks in the picture. Henry is reaching out and grabbing Wilbur's face now and Wilbur is very patient and just lets him grab him and just licks his hands.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Home

For all of you who live outside of Portland...or those who live here, but haven't been to our house yet...I thought I'd

take a picture outside of our apartment. If you step out our front door and look to the right this is what you see - Lake Oswego. Our apartment is not actually on the lake, but only about 30 feet from it. It is beautiful in Portland this time of year - sunny days, pleasantly warm temperatures.

We've taken our house in Savannah off the market for now and are instead renting it out in hopes that the economy will turn around soon. Luckily we found a renter, which will mitigate the cost of having two residences at the same time!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


He just loves the bath so much that I couldn't resist posting another picture of him in the bath - taken last night. He scrunches his body down in his little tub so that he's submerged in water up to his ears. We pour water over his head and onto his face and he loves it which is crazy because I've never seen another kid not mind getting water in their eyes. I think we definitely have a future swimmer on our hands.

23 Weeks

Getting so big every day!!

Happy Birthday to Geoff!