Friday, February 29, 2008

(Old) Ultrasound Pictures

Here are a couple old ultrasound pictures for those of you who haven't seen them. The first one is Henry with his arms crossed in front of his body (what looks like an 'x') with his feet to the left and head to the right as you look at it. The second one is his foot.
Next ultrasound is in four weeks - hopefully we'll get some more good pictures then!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Presidential Politics

I know I said I was going to try and keep this baby-centric...but Henry would be disappointed in me if I didn't make a few observations about this year's candidates.

Ralph Nader is indeed going to run again! This is great news, as far as I am concerned.

Don't you get sick and tired of only having apples to choose from in the great grocery store of presidential candidates? Sure, you might have golden delicious or gala or jonagold to choose from but they're still all just apples. Don't you just want a pear or an orange or a strawberry sometimes?? We need more variety in our political diets than the Democrats or Republicans can offer. To prove this point, here's a list of twelve areas that a Nader candidacy will address that, left to their own devices, neither the Dems or Repubs would.

Adopt single payer national health insurance
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Cut the huge, bloated, wasteful military budget
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
No to nuclear power, solar energy first
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Aggressive crackdown on corporate crime and corporate welfare
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Open up the Presidential debates
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Adopt a carbon pollution tax
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Reverse U.S. policy in the Middle East
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Impeach Bush/Cheney
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-union law
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Put an end to ballot access obstructionism
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table
Work to end corporate personhood
Nader: On the table
Obama/Clinton: Off the table
McCain: Off the table

For those people who are worried that a Nader campaign will hinder the Dems ascension to the White one on the Nader campaign is delusional. While it would be ultimately fantastic, no one expects Ralph to end up residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Instead, a Nader campaign will force Obama (or Clinton) to address problems that cry out for a progressive approach, such as those listed above. Furthermore, a Nader candidacy can actually help Obama as it will "insulate the Democrat from charges from the right that he's a radical leftist and will position him in the middle."

More voices, more choices!

Portland Visit and Baby Shower

Just returned from a whirlwind trip to PDX complete with an amazing baby shower! So many people came who I had not seen in years - it was such a wonderful chance to visit with everyone...although I wish I'd had more time to chat with people!

Thank you to my dearest friends - the best friends I could ever imagine - Kati and Kristine, and to my aunt Joan and cousin Jan for throwing the shower. It was exactly what I'd hoped for! And, of course, to my mom for not only hosting the shower but hosting me for my trip! :)

As I write, Henry is rolling around inside my uterus - it must be a signal to thank everyone for their very generous gifts. He will truly be the best outfitted baby this side of the Mississippi!

We had a doctor's visit yesterday and all is well. He is head down - thank goodness! The nurse practitioner doesn't think it's likely that he'll change positions, so keep your fingers crossed. I am still measuring a week ahead of schedule...I think it's just 'cause he's going to be a big baby but we won't really know for 4 more weeks when we have the last ultrasound.

Congratulations to Molly and Jeff Hubbs on the birth of their daughter, Anna Elizabeth, on February 22nd! Seven pounds, six ounces and 20 inches long. I got a chance to meet her on her third day and she is beautiful - dark, dark hair and super cute.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Only 9 to go

Nine weeks left until the due date! It seems like it should be a lot less than that in many ways, but it also seems like time has passed very quickly.

Hopefully it won't be too hot by April 22nd...but I doubt it. The mosquitos are already out and my feet and lower arms have lots of bites. It's been sunny and in the mid 70s lately, except for a few stormy days that coincided with the tornados in other parts of the state and in Alabama and Florida.

In political news, the world of Georgian politics is rather bleak and distressing. It is, after all, a Huckabee state. The fact that it is also an Obama state does not mitigate the Huckabee factor. Sometimes it feels like we're living in a Hunter S. Thompson essay.

The Green Party is running a local (Atlanta) woman as their presidential candidate. She is a former eight term Congressional Representative, so that should be interesting. So far I haven't heard back from the national Green Party as to what needs to be done locally to help out. The nominating process here is much simpler than Oregon - although that's not saying a whole lot because I think Oregon's system is probably the most complicated in the nation. For those of you who have not seen it, here is a link to the Oregon Supreme Court's decision in the Nader 04 campaign in which I am a named petitioner against the Secretary of State of Oregon:

More soon!